Schuyler D. Geller focuses on Civil & Commercial Litigation, Employment Litigation, Employment Agreements, Securities Litigation & Arbitration, Business Law, Trust and Estate Litigation, and Class Action Litigation.
Business & Commercial Litigation
Kevin E. Steele
Kevin Steele’s practice focuses on Commercial Litigation, Construction Litigation, and Real Estate Litigation
Natalie Shrader
Natalie Shrader’s practice focuses on Insurance Defense, Commercial Litigation, Products Liability, Personal Injury, and Mediation & Arbitration
Robert F. Parker
Robert Parker’s practice focuses on Commercial Litigation, Personal Injury, Medical Malpractice, Professional Liability, and Complex & Technical Litigation
Chad W. Nally
Chad Nally’s practice focuses on Commercial Litigation, Commercial & Consumer Collections, Bankruptcy Protecting Creditor’s Rights
and Foreclosure
Alfredo Estrada
Alfredo Estrada’s practice focuses on Immigration, Municipal Defense, Civil Litigation, and Business Law.
Terence M. Austgen
Terence Austgen’s practice focuses on Civil Trials and Appeals, Complex Litigation, Labor & Employment Law, and Civil Mediation & Arbitration
Business & Commercial Litigation Lawyers
At Burke Costanza & Carberry, we understand that the business of our clients is just that – business. Not litigation. We emphasize our role as counselors with the goal of helping our clients avoid litigation where that is a reasonable and...
Civil Litigation
Appeals, Business and Commercial Litigation, Construction Litigation, Insurance Defense Litigation, Medical Malpractice, Personal Injury, Products Liability Litigation, Real Estate Litigation, Worker’s Compensation
Respected Federal Jurist Rejects Borrower’s Claim that He is a “Tenant” in Foreclosure, Awards Fees to Foreclosing Bank
As homeowners in foreclosure face the end of the legal proceedings, many make desperate arguments to forestall eviction. When senseless arguments meet sympathetic or uninformed judges, they can temporarily derail the foreclosure process,...
Incorporating To Protect Personal Assets: Does It Really Work?
Many websites advertise services to quickly and inexpensively incorporate your personal business as a way to protect your assets, warning that without incorporation, you could lose “everything you own, your house, car, retirement accounts,”...
Protecting Your Business Through Restrictive Covenants
Employers who want to protect their businesses should consider using restrictive covenants. The most common restrictive covenants include non-compete agreements, non-solicitation agreements, and confidentiality agreements. Careful...