Professional Liability

3 BCC Lawyers Named to 2019 Best Lawyers® List!

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE 3 Burke Costanza & Carberry LLP lawyers named to 2019 Best Lawyers® list August 15, 2018 -- Burke Costanza & Carberry LLP is pleased to announce that 3 lawyers have been included in the 2019 Edition of The Best...

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Successful Defense of a Neurosurgeon

Bob Parker successfully defended a neurosurgeon in a medical malpractice case arising out of the death of a patient who suffered a fatal heart attack in the recovery room following spinal surgery. The claim was that the defendant failed to...

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Million Dollar Recovery

Burke Costanza & Carberry partner Robert F. Parker recently recovered a settlement of almost $1.1 million for a Crown Point man who was injured during gallbladder surgery. What was supposed to be a routine outpatient procedure to remove...

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Successful Defense Of An Ophthalmologist

Congratulations to BCC partner Bob Parker for his successful defense of an ophthalmologist in a medical malpractice case. The week long trial in Elkhart County, IN included testimony by experts from New Jersey, Illinois, Texas, Arizona, and...

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‘And The Defense Wins’ Article in DRI Newsletter

Bob Parker’s recent victory for a physician client in the Indiana Court of Appeals, in a case thought to be the first of its kind nationally, was the subject of a piece in “The Voice,” the weekly e-newsletter of the Defense Research Institute...

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